Online Application EuroCIS 2022 | View in browser | Deutsch | Print
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Register for EuroCIS 2022 now!


In just a few days, the official registration deadline for EuroCIS will be approaching. After that, we will start planning and take into account (as far as possible) your stand preferences. Please use the time window until September 1 for your registration in order to be considered in the first planning phase with your wishes

And here is the application:

Online application

For a transparent cost estimate our stand cost calculator is available for you in advance: EuroCIS stand cost calculator.
However, we are also available for personal consultation.

Of course, we have a comprehensive hygiene and infection control concept! According to future developments and legal requirements, we will continuously update the concept.

We are looking forward to the hybrid EuroCIS 2022 with you: the presence meeting of the retail community enriched with digital services.
Find more detailed info in our EuroCIS 2022 Info or online.
Warm greetings from Duesseldorf

Your EuroCIS-Team

For questions, please contact our team: +49 (0)211 4560 - 523 or -400,

Legal disclaimer

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstr. 61
40474 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 211 4560-01
Fax: +49 211 4560-668

County Court Düsseldorf HRB 63

Board of Managing Directors: Wolfram N. Diener (Chairman), Marius Berlemann, Bernhard J. Stempfle

Chairman of Supervisory Board: Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH processes personal data relating to you. You can find more information - also on your rights - in the privacy policy of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH available at In principle, i.e. subject to legal restrictions, you may at any time object to the processing of your personal data either on the aforementioned website, via e-mail to or via postal mail to Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, G2-RV, PF 101006, 40001 Düsseldorf, Germany.

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