
Shopping experience with culinary treats

Gastronomy concepts for retail are becoming ever more popular


Image: Customers standing infront of a counter; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

Gastronomic offers are a must for more and more retailers; © beta-web/Schmitz

Turning customers into guests

Image: Four cooks standing behind a counter; Copyright: Pretty Good Systems GmbH

A special offer not every shop can provide: Sushi Factory at EDEKA Zurheide in Düsseldorf; © Pretty Good Systems GmbH

The gastronomy selection should fit into the range of products

Securing advantages against the competition

Image: Customers in a grocery store; Copyright: Sylvia Wendland / Ruhr Medien

"Gourmet-Festival" at EDEKA Zurheide; © Sylvia Wendland / Ruhr Medien