
Social Media in Retail

The Direct Line to the Customer Becomes More and More Important

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Nowadays, retail needs to be active on all channels – this is nothing new. Customers also want to be able to purchase items at anytime and anywhere via mobile devices. This is why most retailers are also active on the Web by now. Just offering the option to buy on the Internet however is no longer enough. Customer service is also being increasingly used online these days. Also in social networks for instance.


How companies can create an authentic omni-channel shopping experience

Benefits of Social Media for customer contact in the onmichannel environment

© Bazaarvoice

Marketing has been very linear in the past. Marketers have tried to steer customers into clearly defined tracks, so that they behave in a predictable manner during the buying process. This has changed – customers no longer want to be forced into these linear models. A multitude of shopping channels is available for customers in retail today. Consumers choose their own path during the buying process.


User community takes care of Microjobs

Product placement and advertising campaigns can be checked with the smartphone

© wer denkt was GmbH

Apps and social networks are not the only digital points where retailers can get in contact with their customers. Microjobbing apps can make the customers to employees which take care of different special tasks, for example the verification of correct advertising campaigns and instore communications.