
EuroCIS 2025: Go beyond today!

This is where the Who's Who of Europe's retail technology industry meets

Visitors flock to the exhibition halls at EuroCIS 2022, above them a huge screen with the text "CIS" on it; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/A. Wiese

© Messe Düsseldorf/A. Wiese


Absolutely special: The supporting program of EuroCIS 2025

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Visitors flock to the exhibition halls at EuroCIS 2022; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/A. W

Why you shouldn't miss this event:

Visitors to the EuroCIS 2022 trade fair sit together in a summer vacation lounge with parasol, life belt and sand; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/A. Wiese

Hot Topics: What the retail industry is talking about

A visitor talks to an exhibitor at a booth at EuroCIS; copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/A. Wiese