
Profile data EuroCIS 2024

EuroCIS: Sure to generate success.

Foto: Serverraum


from 97 countries


from 41 countries


from 13 countries

Net space total

Net space Germany

Net space other countries

The exhibitors:
highly specialised developers and solution providers.

Foto: Astronaut im Weltall

475 exhibitors in total


475 exhibitors in total

The visitors:
highly professional users and decision makers.

13,714 visitors in total

Structure of trade visitors

Decision making powers

Numbers in percent

Quality of trade visitors

Numbers in percent

Industrial sector and area of responsibility

EuroCIS visitors come from these industrial sectors:

EuroCIS visitors come from these areas of responsibility:

TOP visitor countries

Reasons for visit

New developments/trends

Contact with exisiting suppliers/ business partners

Identifying new suppliers business partners

Purchase and initiating purchase decisions

Interest in product ranges

EuroCIS visitors are interested in:

94% Satisfaction

EuroCIS: Sure to generate success

New suppliers

of the visitors found new suppliers.


of the visitors recommend EuroCIS.